A metal door swings open, much like a door to a bunker. Mint is seen dragging Leirosa into the room, which is completely dark and only lit by the outdoors. She closes the door, leaving an eerie echo into emptiness.
A few moments of darkness.
The sound of metal and plastic rattling in the darkness. It’s a shaker light that Mint is holding. The light flickers on and off at first and then displays a dim beam.
Leirosa is laid against the concrete wall, stains and marks of mold from moisture, water having run down this concrete at some point. The light barely illuminates what can be seen of Leirosa’s face. A better view of what is inside of her head. Behind the melted-out holes in the plastic: Wires and metal framing. Her entire body is sturdy, weighing nearly as much as a fully-grown adult woman.
Mint looks at her face, intrigued. She then looks down, and away from the mannequin, as if she remembers something.
The light flickers and fades out.
I miss you, Sunrosa.
The humming of electricity.
Mint plans to power on Leirosa.
A dim workstation shows her twisting wires together, sparks coming from behind her, miscellaneous metal and plastic sounds.
The light fades out again, flickering a lot faster than before.
Mint is sitting underneath a tree near a riverbank. The sky is grey and the water is green. The desaturated forest. She struggles to keep her eyes open, they sink lower and lower…
An abnormally clean looking wooden walkway, no railing or anything, just a little stream of water cutting through it. Mint walks over it, confused as to why she’s there. Her dreams seem to terrify her, regardless of its happenings.
The walkway seems to be situated in a tropical area, though most of the setting seems to be floating in the sky. The wood is decorated with intricate designs, golden and red trims, a very regal feel to them. Situated on a blocky and landscaped cliff, perfect 90 degree angles where waterfalls flow.
The walkways continue along the landscaped garden over to a brick wall painted white. Random wall paneling, things you’d see in industrial buildings placed haphazardly start to float in, but then start to make themselves part of the wall, and soon, become the entire wall.
This overwhelms Mint, who desperately tries to make her way anywhere else.
Mint’s face is a face of pure terror.
She wakes up to a rumbling coming from behind her. She looks at the bunker door.
She walks slowly up to the door, still hearing the rumbling coming from inside. It sounds almost as if a human voice is there.
Mint shakily reaches her hand towards the handle bar.
// Begin ./Gymnasium.txt