A sawzall pierces through drywall, only the tip of the blade showing. It makes its way slowly through the wall, carving out a crude oval-shaped hole. The sawzall turns off and a fist punches the drywall clean through. The other side reveals a girl, short wavy black hair, large eyes with pitch black pupils, round red glasses, and an oversized ketchup nozzle for a hat. She is just absolutely covered in sweat.
“Th- The… The uhhhh…” She pushes up her glasses and takes a deep breath. “The world embraces its new direction and eventually unconventional love makes its way into your FUCK”, she drops the sawzall and she tries to take a quick step backwards but trips over herself.
She looks down at her hand, where the word “THANK U” is written in red permanent marker. The writing has been smudged with sweat.
The sound of electrical humming fills the air of a white and harshly lit room. Blank and unpatched drywall, extension cables running across the floor, the smell of glue and other chemicals. An intercom crackles.
“Okay, we’ll take this one more time, just take it slowly. Take your time to remember before saying it. It’s not that hard.”
The girl nods sheepishly and then looks down, the sawzall still in her hands.
All of them before me did it, all of them before me did it, all of them before me did it.
“Alright, thank you! We are set to rotate the crew in about 20 minutes so please don’t fuck us over again and waste more of our time, please-” Rumbling, almost as if a thunderstorm suddenly announced itself.
A door is kicked open violently, sending the doorknob clean through the drywall behind it.
Almost robotically, a girl makes her way through a group of confused film crew and to a table filled with party favors. She spots a cheese knife and her eyes widen. The crew behind her is frozen in fear.
Ketchup hat girl is entranced, inspecting every frantic movement and every detail of the appearance of the girl hunched over a table holding a knife. The robotic girl wears a light blue sweater vest over a white blouse, a red plaid skirt over plasticy pale skin. A flower seems to have naturally grown from short and brown wavy hair.
Please stands over the body. “Rot rot rot rot rot rot rot rot rot rot!”
A girl stands at the end of her driveway. Tears stain her flushed, red face. She wears a grey oversized sweater.