the road out of foamfield

It’s all hazy. All of it. I don’t know whether today the mail will come. I haven’t heard from them in a while. I barely ever get any letters anymore. The only ones I look forward to are from the stranger from somewhere else. Somewhere else…
Low clouds again. This morning the fog decided to stick around for just a while longer. Fresh air and the mist… And directly ahead of me, the road leading out of Foamfield. It’s scattered with rusty cars, doors torn off, engines missing, nature reclaiming the area.
It’s time to finally leave.
I make my first shaky steps onto this road I’d never walked before. It’s quiet as usual, though something seems different about here. Have I been here in a dream before? Or have I just actually been here and just forgotten? I wonder as I continue walking. Some of the flowers have gotten pretty big here.
She handed me a flower. Her overalls were stained with paint. The sun was glistening on her long, damp, bright silver hair. A ladybug landed on her shoulder.
The garden was filled with so many flowers, so many plants and so many bugs. It was so easy to spend all of my time there with her. Summer vacations were the best.
I told her I loved it. She was overjoyed.
The buzz of the sprinklers and… now I’m soaked.
It’s all getting so blurry. I’m suddenly cold… It’s… is it? Is it cardboard? Why does this car look like it’s made of cardboard?
I can’t touch it.
I can’t find out.
Is this real?
The road is so long…
I wonder if I’ll really be able to make it to the next town. It’ll probably get dark by then. I can’t be out here that late…