Mint's home in Foamfield, overcast, sun is beginning to dip low
From behind a tattered white chair Mint's rabbit ears poke out
The chair is facing a wall in a room with trash and dust, mold, hazy and dim
From behind the chair rabbit ears poke out along with the sound of quiet sniffling
Mint wipes her snot on her sleeve, her face is red and covered in tears and sweat. Her hair is wet and unkempt, fraying at the edges. Her teeth clenches and she balls her fist shakily
The tears drip down her sweater, a sweater that was once white and is now grey, beige and brown with her dirt and sweat. Likely has not been taken off in weeks
Veins in her hands pop as she grips the arms of the chair
// A journal entry from a lost traveler's point of view
September 2nd
The cycle broke down again, this time I'm really screwed. I will probably need more than a day to figure this one out, no way of getting the bike running long enough to bring home. I haven't seen a single face since (Placeholder town name), this place is mostly barren. Farm houses, animals, straight roads. My only choice now is to continue on foot, hopefully able to bring back (very specific tool or fluid), and get out of here.
I didn't notice I was this close to the quarry. It's beautiful, the way the water reflects everything.
Saw another stray cat. Usually a good sign, hopefully means someone lives here.
I think I see a house with a bright light or a flame outside across the quarry. It's a huge quarry but if I really leg it I can get there before sundown. Everyone I've bumped into has been so helpful, so I don't doubt they'd at least offer some advice. With how my legs are failing now, I really need to get that bike running soon.
// Back to Mint's point of view